Ketika Malam ini kembali ke Jatinangor tidak boleh ada keraguan sedikitpun lagi tentang jurusan yang diambil yaitu hubungan internasional, yang membuat munculnya keraguan.
Ketika Malam ini kembali ke Jatinangor tidak boleh lagi mengulangi kebiasaan buruk ポルノ見ているからストレス.
Ketika Malam ini kembali ke Jatinangor tidak boleh lagi minder dan terus berulang kali mempermasalahkan sebuah kekurangan.
Ketika Malam ini kembali ke Jatinangor tidak boleh menjadi seorang calon gagal.
Ketika Malam ini kembali ke Jatinangor harus diiringi tekad yang bulat untuk menempuh pendidikan lalu seiring waktu pastinya akan mengetahui tujuan itu.
Ketika Malam ini kembali ke Jatinangor harus dengan semangat dan ke istiqomahan dalam mengerjakan berbagai tugas.
Ketika Malam ini kembali ke Jatinangor harus dengan senyum dan percaya diri.
Ketika Malam ini kembali ke Jatinangor, ini akan menjadi titik balik.
jadi bersiaplah kau jatinangor!! saya akan kembali!!
Merangkai pemikiran menjadi kalimat, meneguhkan jati diri sebagai muslim sehat dan bermanfaat.
Air yang Mengalir
kalimat diatas merupakan salah satu materi dari kegiatan LKMM yang dilaksanakan di FISIP Universitas Padjadjaran. Berbagai pengalaman lainnya juga sudah saya jalani disini di daerah Jatinangor, Sumedang. Tak terasa sudah 2 bulan saya berpetualang didaerah ini melanjutkan kehidupan demi masa depan yang lebih baik. Pilihan untuk mengambil program studi Hubungan Internasional membawa saya dalam sebuah kehidupan baru, sebab ketika SMA saya berada dijurusan IPA sama dengan separuh lebih angkatan 2012 yang sekarang ada bersama saya di HI , gedung A FISIP.Perubahan sikap adalah awal dari proses menuju kesuksesan
disebuah warnet kini saya mencoba menfgingat kembali saat-saat itu, sambil memperhatikan jumlah koin yang menentukan sejauh mana saya bisa menulis, ternyata tinggal 18 menit lg setara dengan 11 koin dengan nominal yang berbeda-beda, ya begitulah kehidupan seorang anak perantauan, memang pemberian orang tua sudahlah cukup untuk memenuhi kehidupan sebulan. namu pengeluaran berlebih salah satunya adalah perlengkapan ospek jurusan tak ayal meberikan andil atas menurutnya kestabilan perekonomian. walaupun memang disuruh jika ada pengeluaran berlebih tinggal bilang saja kepada orang tua tapi rasanya tidak enak mungkin nanti saja jika sudah tidak ada lagi uang sepeserpun.
banyak hal manis dan mengesankan yang telah terjadi berawal dari open house fisip kegiatan ramah tamah civitas FISIP dengan para orang tua saya pertama kali berada disini namun sayangnya belum menemukan satu temanpun. kemudian bersama ayah saya mencari kos didaerah bawah yaitu daerah Hegarmanah, karena jatinagor berada ditaran tinggi didepan gunung manglayang. saya mendapatkan sebuah pondokan yang nyaman menurut saya memiliki kamar mandi diluar dengan sejumlah kamar pondokan yang membentuk persegi ditengahnya ada bangunan yang berisi kamar dan ruang tv. dan yang paling saya suka adalah dari kamar yang berada dipinggir dengan kamar yang berada satu bangunan ruang TV terdapat celah sehingga ada cahaya yang bisa masuk dan hal itulah yang mebuat situasi menjadi nyaman.
pada hari berikutnya teman-teman satu jurusan HI membuat pertemuan semacam gathering di Tree House, Dago pengalaman yang diisi dengan nyasar ke Tea House, Dago . hal yang paling berkesan adalah ketika bertemu dengan tiga teman saya laiinya yaitu Afif, Fadil, dan Wicak. kenapa berkesan karena ada kesamaan latar belakang yaitu Afif berasal dari Padang sebagaimana asal penulis buku Negeri 5 Menara yang memotivasi HI saya, A.Fuadi . dan fadil berasal dari pondok gontor yaitu pesantrennya A.Fadi dan Wicak Gagal masuk ITB sama seper saya dan A. Fuadi. sontak saja kami tertawa bersama-sama dan saya menyebut diri kami 4 menara :D
Public Policy
The public policy is one of the
essential thing in politic that was able for long time, every public
policy have a different purposed, advantage, and also the
disadvantage. To get a good known about public policy lets learn from
any experts argument.
Chandler and Plano (1982) in the dictionary "mandatory" Public Administration, The Public Administration Dictionary, said: "Public Policy is the strategic use of reseorces to alleviate national governmental problems or concerns". Simply put it means that public policy is a strategic utilization of the existing resources to solve the problem of the public or the government. Chandler and Plano and distinguish the four bentu, namely: regulatory, redistributive, distributive, and Constituent.
In his book Harbani Paolong (Public Administration Theory: 2007) are some of the public policy sense to some experts. Thomas R Dye (1981), says that public policy is "Either the government to do or not do". William N Dunn (1994), says that public policy is a series of choices made by interconnected institutions or government officials in areas related to governance tasks, such as defense, energy, health, education, welfare, crime, Urban and others.
Meanwhile, Shiftz & Russel (1997) defines public policy with a simple and say "whatever government is dicides to do or not to do". While Chaizi Nasucha (2004), says that public policy is kwenangan government in a policy that is used in the rule of law. The policy aimed to absorb the social dynamics within the community, which will be used as reference to create policy formulation harmonious social relations.
From the definition of public policy at the top, it can be said that public policy is: (1) a decision or action made by authority of the owner (the government), (2) oriented public interest to be considered carefully the pros and cons first impact; (3) to do something or not do something, (4) of the discussion classes I generate "public policy is government action to address the problem with respect to whom, for what, when, and how?
From the definition of public policy at the top, it can be said that public policy is:
1) a decision or action made by authority of the owner (the government)
2)-oriented public interest to be considered carefully the pros and cons first impact
3) to do something or not do something;
What are examples of public policy? Examples of public policy is a policy that does something to raise fuel prices, policies BLT, sunset policies in terms of taxation policy, and others. While the sample policy to not do something that is silent as malaysia warships enter our waters, or does not care manohara cases of pinot and others.
All policies either do something or not do something definitely has impact / consequences. For example, the navy why we did not do the shooting (he said if it had been warned many times but still stubborn be shot) at malaysia warships broke through the limit, this is done because of the considerations when done shooting will disturb the atmosphere so that the diplomatic relations between the two neighbors will be worse. War ends.
Chandler and Plano (1982) in the dictionary "mandatory" Public Administration, The Public Administration Dictionary, said: "Public Policy is the strategic use of reseorces to alleviate national governmental problems or concerns". Simply put it means that public policy is a strategic utilization of the existing resources to solve the problem of the public or the government. Chandler and Plano and distinguish the four bentu, namely: regulatory, redistributive, distributive, and Constituent.
In his book Harbani Paolong (Public Administration Theory: 2007) are some of the public policy sense to some experts. Thomas R Dye (1981), says that public policy is "Either the government to do or not do". William N Dunn (1994), says that public policy is a series of choices made by interconnected institutions or government officials in areas related to governance tasks, such as defense, energy, health, education, welfare, crime, Urban and others.
Meanwhile, Shiftz & Russel (1997) defines public policy with a simple and say "whatever government is dicides to do or not to do". While Chaizi Nasucha (2004), says that public policy is kwenangan government in a policy that is used in the rule of law. The policy aimed to absorb the social dynamics within the community, which will be used as reference to create policy formulation harmonious social relations.
From the definition of public policy at the top, it can be said that public policy is: (1) a decision or action made by authority of the owner (the government), (2) oriented public interest to be considered carefully the pros and cons first impact; (3) to do something or not do something, (4) of the discussion classes I generate "public policy is government action to address the problem with respect to whom, for what, when, and how?
From the definition of public policy at the top, it can be said that public policy is:
1) a decision or action made by authority of the owner (the government)
2)-oriented public interest to be considered carefully the pros and cons first impact
3) to do something or not do something;
What are examples of public policy? Examples of public policy is a policy that does something to raise fuel prices, policies BLT, sunset policies in terms of taxation policy, and others. While the sample policy to not do something that is silent as malaysia warships enter our waters, or does not care manohara cases of pinot and others.
All policies either do something or not do something definitely has impact / consequences. For example, the navy why we did not do the shooting (he said if it had been warned many times but still stubborn be shot) at malaysia warships broke through the limit, this is done because of the considerations when done shooting will disturb the atmosphere so that the diplomatic relations between the two neighbors will be worse. War ends.
Every policies have any
effect and when it's right it will give walfare etc. Why when it's
right not true? Because sometimes however its true when it's not
compatible with the needs of times it will be rejected by society.
Resources: Oct 21TH 2012 21:16 Oct 21TH 2012 21:12
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