my own judge there is a lot of international interest that the atmosphere in Syria besides complications based on ethnic divisions, where Assad's military-backed Alawite sectas a minority well known syiah in a country where the majority is Sunni Islamists. Because Syria have a strategic position in the chaos of eastmiddle. for knowledge, Israel with support of US is really want to defeated Assad rezim by by sending heavy weapons to the opposition, because syria permit hamas and hizbullah which well known as an organization that highly concentred against Israel.
If syria rezim down, West World (US,israel and NATO) will be glory in the midlle east,that's conditions

maked Russia and China supports Syria government to survive, russia and china repeatedly used its veto to thwart any plans of foreign meddling in domestic affairs Syria and also iran (syiah) support by their stranger to help assad’s rezim. it being of interest is the scene of fighting two world powers, which may be leading to global war.
But don’t forget there are many victims who died, suffered, and many people have fled to other countries, They can’t do activities and live peacefull today. This conflict will not be end before there’s a loser, but it will make more suffered. The best solution is memorandum of peace, not a resolution that containing the international sanctions to Syria. This step must be support by countries that fund, arm and protect the opposition and the government to commit to the peace initiative.
Indonesia as the biggest muslim population in the world must be take a stand against the problems that occurred. By using power in ASEAN and OKI, Indonesia have given expectations from all people over the world to fastest the progress of memorandoum peace’s, but remember, Indonesia must be break away from U.S. influence, and execute the mandate of the basic laws of the Republic of Indonesia to maintain peace in the world.
Indonesia as the biggest muslim population in the world must be take a stand against the problems that occurred. By using power in ASEAN and OKI, Indonesia have given expectations from all people over the world to fastest the progress of memorandoum peace’s, but remember, Indonesia must be break away from U.S. influence, and execute the mandate of the basic laws of the Republic of Indonesia to maintain peace in the world.